Hey all,
I just wanted to post here because I had a listener post to say that I offended them with my comments about project photos.
First, I’m a Jane Nobody. I’m just like you and as I mentioned in the segment, we all have opinions. I was just sharing mine. It doesn't make my opinion right or even important.
Second, of course all Ravelry users use the site for them and in a way that works best for them. Ultimately, your project photos are for you, not me. My point about personal photos is that I get sad that I can’t see all the details on projects in so many cases (not all, mind you). Again, my opinion is just that. An opinion. :)
Third, I worked hard to not call anyone out. I promise you, I am not talking about you personally. Take a look at my project photos. I am NOT a photographer and many of my photos are awful. I include myself when I say that it is a bummer that you can’t see all the hard work that went into a project from the photo.
Please remember to take my show with a grain of salt. I’m just a mom, wife, sister, friend, knitter, spinner, person just like everyone else on here. I’m not famous. I’m just a regular person who sits down to talk to you about my knitting, sewing, and what I may have noticed that week.
Happy crafting!
I just wanted to post here because I had a listener post to say that I offended them with my comments about project photos.
First, I’m a Jane Nobody. I’m just like you and as I mentioned in the segment, we all have opinions. I was just sharing mine. It doesn't make my opinion right or even important.
Second, of course all Ravelry users use the site for them and in a way that works best for them. Ultimately, your project photos are for you, not me. My point about personal photos is that I get sad that I can’t see all the details on projects in so many cases (not all, mind you). Again, my opinion is just that. An opinion. :)
Third, I worked hard to not call anyone out. I promise you, I am not talking about you personally. Take a look at my project photos. I am NOT a photographer and many of my photos are awful. I include myself when I say that it is a bummer that you can’t see all the hard work that went into a project from the photo.
Please remember to take my show with a grain of salt. I’m just a mom, wife, sister, friend, knitter, spinner, person just like everyone else on here. I’m not famous. I’m just a regular person who sits down to talk to you about my knitting, sewing, and what I may have noticed that week.
Happy crafting!
You are somebody and your audience listens to you. My words were not meant to hurt but I didn't do a good job of explaining. I enjoy listening to your podcast I apologize for the negativity. Being judged by others makes me uncomfortable. Not that you were judging me it's the negative attitude of some knitters and I guess I vented on you. That was wrong of me. Your opinion does matter.
ReplyDeleteAwww. I guess what I meant to say is that I'm no better than anyone and that everyone has an opinion. I did not feel hurt but I wanted to be sure that I was clear on what I was trying to convey. In no way did I mean to judge you or anyone. We all good. :)
ReplyDeleteالتشطيب المهمة في أي عـملية بناء أو تشييد وتختلف أنواع الدهانات وأستخداماتها
وطرق تركيبها وذلك حسب نوع السطح المركب عليه الدهان أو الطلاء هذا بالأضافة إلى الجانب الجمالي الذي
يضفيه الدهان على جدران البناء سواء كان منزلاً أو منشاة أخرى وبالطبع تزداد الأهمية في المنازل والمكاتب حيث
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تتفاوت الأذواق بين الأفراد وتأتي الدهانات لتلبي هذه الأذواق على الرغم من أختلافها .
يعرف الطلاء ( الدهان ) بأنه مادة كيميائية يمكن فرشها على سطح صلب ( حديد ، خشب ، خرسانة ، طابوق ) تجف
وتتصلد لتعطي سماآة رقيقة ذات لون معين جيدة الالتصاق تغطي السطح المدهون تماما وتتقسم اعمال الدهانات الى
عدة أقسام منها الدهانات المشتقة من الماء مثل دهان المستحلب المائي (الأملش) ودهان الجير ومنها الدهانات المشتقة
من الزيوتي أو دهان ( الورنيش ) ودهان ( الفينيل ). وهذا المتوفر بشركه سحر اللمسا
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